
Its time for human beings to revisit and rethink the systems they are governed by, as the hidden conspiracies of these so called fair and people friendly social systems of governance are clearing out but again killed by the tycoons who are benefiting from them…We all might have once or twice thought to have a fair system of governance around us so that our future or of those going to be there after us, rather because of us or what ever, may be good….So there the politicians came to benefit from our ignorance and asked us to roar a slogan with them….

“We want fairness……We want Democracy…”

And despite of who we are and what should be there…..

We found the power in the voice, a signal of truthfulness neglecting a wise man once said..:

“Your loud voice is not the indication of the depth of your knowledge, an empty utensil makes more noise than a full one…”

So we made the slogans, roaring and roaring hard…..Neglecting the filthy minds of those politicians behind it and unaware of the consequences….!

I know most of you might be cursing me with all the best you can…But I need patience and time…Let me demonstrate it through a simple example…

Our Beloved Democracy Lets see what rights it grant to us…

1. Every one has right to be a competitor of others in the election for the seat.(Probably for the rule)
2. Every one has right to vote for the one they consider is good and would change their life.(Probably would bring good to their lives)
3. There is no restriction of number of electoral candidates to be there….

(There are many many more….but these are those who are effecting its foundations..)

Here is my Example now….!

There was a village……

Situation is really bad……

Every one is stressed and upset…..

No way out…….

Politicians came to know that…… 🙂 (Nice awaited opportunity….)

Started their political campaigns ….

Respective people started to believe them according to their Respective lies and promises….

For the sake of easy understanding and non complex environment lets confine the number of electoral members to maximum of 5….and population of village to maximum of One Hundred and One(101)….

Five Electoral Members are ready to Compete each others in Elections………!

 Polling starts….

Every Electoral member was able enough to grab equal number of votes……
till the time, I was there…. (O_o)…..!

I went straight to the person I knew well and stomp the stamp on the mark….!

Polling over…..!

Gentleman lets see the results…Total eligible voters = 101.
Total votes polled = 101
Number of votes never polled = 0
Mr. A = 20 Votes
Mr. B = 20 Votes
Mr. C = 20 Votes
Mr. D = 20 Votes
Mr. E  = 21 Votes (Thats my man…..!)

“Mr. E” having 21 Votes in the elections 20XX was selected as a person, to ruin the lives of people  having no one to question him, as every one belongs to the system……


We all, thinking of this whole game, as just and fair believed Mr. E to be the milestone of our prosperity…

Lets see what actually Mr. E deserve to be…..and what our so called and so advertised and so lovely Democratic system allowed him to be….

The game was balance till the time I was there…. (O_o)….Crap Crap Crap….!

Every candidate was having 20 Votes….
I polled for Mr. E. and he being having 21 votes among all, he won the elections…..

But is this fair election…..
As the beauty of system was told to us….?


We on one hand are admitting that Mr. E. Being most vote earner is the winner of elections….
But we are neglecting the fact that, the so called all good slogan of, majority has authority  because of which we see the system to be just and fair is getting its roots cut and is demolished badly…

MR. E. took 21 votes out of 101….Having a 20.79% out of 100%…..
Declaring himself true and fair and its the beauty of system that nobody challenged him…..

“According to me he may not even represent Minority…..How can he represent Majority….?..”

Wake up…..

Look Before your leap……

The all told good…may not be good…!”

Try to have the spiritual eyes of yours…..So that you can see..beyond the physical borders…. ” (Mukkaram Siddique)

May Almighty Help us to be Educated and able to see what is happening around us…Despite of supporting our belongings……!